Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Subtask Review Drafts

Sub task 2 - draft 1

This is the first of three drafts I am going to make for my magazine review in the format of a double page spread. I am doing this so I can create visual examples of different layouts I might use for my product. All the drafts are based on modern magazine reviews of short films.

Sub task 2 - draft 2

Sub task 2 - draft 3

Subtask poster - layout

After consulting with Emily and looking at photographs we had taken I felt that this layout fit best with the genre. At first I wanted to go with draft three as I thought that an image of the couple would be most effective, however Emily and I both agreed that the image of Rita was the strongest. This is because of her expression, the way she is looking straight down the lens of the camera and the use of the cigarette as a prop looked very conventional and striking. Her body language was also strong and would look good on  full size poster, and as our female protagonist in the middle of a love triangle I felt that her role was crucial as the centre.

Subtask drafts

Sub task 1 - draft 1

This is the first of three drafts I am going to make for my poster. I am doing this so I can create visual examples of different layouts I might use for my poster. All the drafts are based on 1940s film noir posters where the conventions are to have several images placed on the poster. To comply with the conventions of short film posters I have also included text on the poster giving information about the directors and producers etc. 

Sub task 1 - draft 2

Sub task 1 - draft 3

Choosing our fonts for our three products

After looking over some conventional forties film noir posters I found that the font used for the title were either a) very simple and bold or b) very cartoonish. For example:

I thought that the simple bold fonts would work the best with our film as its a short film as well as being in the style of film noir. I looked on dafont and here our the choices that I narrowed it down to:

After getting some opinions from my peers and I same to the decision of using this font as it was the most visually appealing and it fitted within the genre the most effectively.


After shooting the film we set up a photo-shoot with our three actors to get photographs to use in our two secondary products, the poster and magazine review. We used a white screen and two lights to get the highest quality images possible. To give us the biggest selection possible we decided to take full length shots of each actor, head shots of each actor and then full length shots of the main two characters (Rita and Jim) together.
A selection is below: